Submitting your manuscript for formatting

When submitting files for a book project quote, please include the following:

•Your completed manuscript in a .doc or .docx file. Insure your manuscript has been fully edited (and re-edited) and proofread for the final read-through prior to sending to us. (The time to make changes to your content is before it is submitted for formatting).


•Your copyright page information, dedication, forward, endnotes or any other front and back matter you want to have included.


•Your book cover (unless you are already having Tashai and her team create it for you). It is helpful to see your book cover at this stage. If possible, include the names of the typefaces that were used on it.


•Files of all photos, images, graphs, logos, charts, etc. that will be used in the book. The manuscript should also indicate where you would like each image to be placed.


•We also need to know if you plan for the book to be in color or black and white.


We will have you send your media via a file transfer app.